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Sold After 1.5 years and 2 other agents
“Thanks Dan for caring and consistently trying your best to sell my home and ensuring that I was aware of what was going on at all times....

Sold in 2 days for 98% of list
“I certainly would recommend you to future clients. I will spread the word ! You kept me updated worked hard for me Thank you!” Seller:...

Sold in 1 day, $99+% + Quick Closing
“Dan you did a PERFECT job, you sold the home in 1 day. You helped me price the home accurately so that it sold quickly along with being...

SOLD…. Perseverance Wins
“Reflecting on your service as a Listing agent, there were a number of things I appreciated. Firstly your flexibility, for instance you...

Sold in 3 Weeks for 98% of Asking
“We really appreciated Dan’s assistance in helping us sell our home very quickly. We were impressed with the quick sale he brought us...

Sold after 2 Long Listings for 98% of List Price
“Having Dan involved in selling our home we know made the difference. Our home had 2 bedrooms and Dan realized that advertising it in...

Sold in 5 days for 98+% of List Price
“Reflecting on the whole process, it all came together rather quickly. We decided to list our homes just prior to going on vacation. Dan...

Finally Sold After 3 Agents & 2 Years
“I tried selling my home since 2009 both on my own and through three other agents. The methods/avenues Dan utilized to advertise did the...

Despite Stiff Competition Sold 97% of Asking
“Dan was committed to the sale. Despite the ongoing competition with the other condos coming on the market within our complex, Dan...

Sold 100% of Asking & attained 5 months closing within 4 days
“Dan, you did an excellent job of representing and helping us sell our home quickly. We especially appreciated how you involved us every...

Sold 101+% of Asking in 4 days
“Thank you for listing our home quickly and efficiently. Your preparedness exemplified for us that you would confidently handle any...

Former Private Sale sold within 3 Weeks
“You did an excellent job Dan. You did everything we expected and more, you covered all the bases. You conducted yourself in a very...

Asking $269,900 – Sold $273,500
“He did an amazing job. He really gave it his all. I was very impressed with his work, his friendliness, and his willingness to help all...

Sold 101% of Asking in 1 Week
“You did not waste time. While many realtors wouldTestimonial have waited until after Christmas to list our home, you quickly listed our...

Effective Advertising
“Your explanation of the services was quick and precise. You advertised my home in an effective manner. I know you had some other...
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